용오름체험휴양마을영농조합법인 / 홍천 용오름캠핑장 팸투어 다녀왔어요.

용오름체험휴양마을영농조합법인 / 홍천 용오름캠핑장 팸투어 다녀왔어요. 강원도 홍천 서석면에 위치해있으며 1급수 용오름계곡 바로 옆에 있습니다.홍천군 1등 마을로 마을에서 직접 관리하는 용오름캠핑장,펜션 10개를 운영하고 있으며 각종 모임이 가능하도록 식당,회의실,야외무대가 설치되어 있습니다.홍천군 1등 마을답게 캠핑장,펜션 마을 전지역 wi-fi 사용이 가능하며 매년 봄 팸투어 실시, 여름엔 마을에서 재배한 홉으로 직접만든 맥주축제,마리소리 음악축제 를 열고 있습니다.계곡의 경우 수심이 다양하여 다이빙 포인트가 2곳이 있으며 아이들이 안전하게 물놀이를 할 수 있는 곳도 여러 곳 있습니다. 홍천 용오름캠핑장 팸투어 다녀왔어요. 요즘은 농산촌체험마을에서 캠핑과 여러프로그램을 같이 하는 곳이 추세더라고요. 아미산이 둘러쌓인 청정계곡이 흐르는 아름다운 용오름체험휴양마을 에서 운영하는 홍천 용오름캠핑장 팸투어 다녀왔어요. 테크 앞 강이... 붕어빵 가족의 담너머 세상구경 https://m.blog.naver.com/1092119/220711235599 가을여행-홍천여행- 홍천 용오름 마을 첫째날 여행의 계절 가을입니다. 요즘 저희는 강원도에 꽃힌 상태인지라...카페 행복한 이티씨와 함께하는 홍천 용오름 마을 1박2일 체험에 참가를 하였답니다! 평소 체험 시간보다 조금 늦은 출발을 해서 차가 밀리지 않으려나... 귀여운 단지 https://m.blog.naver.com/sanguidan/50181593653 용오름마을 캠핑장 여름휴가의 시즌이다.. 강원도의 계곡과 시원함을 만끽하기 위해 캠핑장을 검색하다 우연히 알게 된 홍천의 용오름 캠핑장.. 성수기라 캠핑장 요금들이 사악하다 용오름캠핑장 옆엔 해미르 캠핑장이 있는데... ★살로몬의 잇츠캠핑★ https://m.blog.naver.com/freeguy9040/20163628934 맥주효모로 만든 용오름맥주마을 바쏘 맥주샴푸와 맥주마스크팩... 1988년까지 맥주 원료인

php - PDT 설치

php - PDT 설치

Installing PDT is relatively easy.

Install a JVM

Regardless of your operating system, you will need to install a Java virtual machine.

If using Windows, you may already have one installed, but upgrading won't hurt.

If using Linux, read this -- GCJ will NOT work.

Consider an IBM JDK or a Sun JDK. See below for minimum requirements. Note that if you are on a 64-bit platform and are using a 64-bit JRE, you need to use a 64-bit Eclipse build.

Eclipse 4.2 / Juno / PDT 3.1.1

PDT/Installation 3.1.1

Eclipse 3.7 / Indigo / PDT 3.0

From Update Site


Installed and running Eclipse Classic 3.7

The minimum package is Eclipse Platform Runtime Binary. It is available at here

Any packages in Eclipse Downloads page are available also.

Installation Flow

Open Help -> Install New Software.

Select the Indigo update site.

When the list of existing features is populated - select 'PHP Development Tools'.

Make sure 'Contact all update sites...' is checked.

Proceed with the installation by pressing 'Next', then press 'Next' again in the next screen.

Accept the EULA when asked:

Finish the installation. Restart Eclipse.

After restarting switch to the PHP perspective, and you are done:

Additional Installation

If you need Mylyn features,

Help -> Install New Software

Select Indigo

Expand 'Collaboration'

Check following features (some other features will be installed automatically because of dependencies) Mylyn Context Connector: Eclipse IDE Mylyn Tasks Connector: Bugzilla Mylyn WikiText

Proceed installation

If you need RSE(Remote System Explorer) features,

Help -> Install New Software

Select Indigo

Expand 'Mobile and Device Development'

Check following feature (some other features will be installed automatically because of dependencies) Remote System Explorer End-User Runtime

Proceed installation

If you need Eclipse Marketplace feature,

Help -> Install New Software

Select Indigo

Expand 'General Purpose Tools'

Check following feature (some other features will be installed automatically because of dependencies) Marketplace Client

Proceed installation

If You Are

Using Windows Vista/7 Do not pair 32bit Eclipse and 64bit JRE/JDK or vice versa. Use 32bit Eclipse on 32bit JRE/JDK, or 64bit Eclipse on 64bit JRE/JDK. Do not install Eclipse under 'Program Files' or 'Program Files(x86)' folder.

Using Linux distro Make sure SWT requirements if you have troubles with Content Assist or Internal Web Browser. CSS styles appear in Content Assist Information. Internal Web Browser is unavailable (cannot be opened or such).

Eclipse 3.6 / Helios / PDT 2.2

Note: PDT 2.2 is scheduled for release in June 2010. This will install a recent development snapshot, not the final 2.2.0 release.

From Update Site


Installed and running Eclipse Classic 3.6

Installation Flow

Open Help->Install New Software.

Add the Helios update site: http://download.eclipse.org/releases/helios/

NB! There are some ugly bugs in PDT 2.2 in particular when comparing files so you might consider adding http://download.eclipse.org/tools/pdt/updates/2.2/milestones as the update site instead of the Helios one.

Select the Helios update site and choose Eclipse PDT . When the list of existing features is populated - select 'Runtime' feature:

Proceed with the installation by pressing 'Next', then press 'Next' again in the next screen.

Accept the EULA when asked:

Finish the installation. Restart Eclipse.

After restarting switch to the PHP perspective, and you are done:

From Zips

Install a JDK or JRE -- the minimum required version is 5.0.

Download the latest PDT 2.2 Runtime + all its listed build dependencies, including Eclipse.

Unpack Eclipse, then unpack everything else into your eclipse/dropins/ folder.

Download H2 Database plug-in, then put it into your eclipse/dropins/ folder.

Run the Eclipse executable file.

Eclipse 3.5 / Galileo / PDT 2.1

From All-In-One Package

Install a JDK or JRE -- the minimum required version is 5.0.

Go to the Eclipse downloads page and select the Eclipse for PHP Developers bundle for your OS.

If your OS is not available, download the Eclipse 'Classic' SDK or Platform Runtime Binary, version 3.5 or later. Then see the section on installing from Update Site below.

Unpack the archive file you've downloaded into the directory in which you want to install PDT.

Run the Eclipse executable file. Start having fun in PHP world.

From Update Site (or Update Site Zip)

Install a JDK or JRE -- the minimum required version is 5.0.

Get Eclipse:

Start the Install Manager.

If you downloaded a PDT Update zip:

Help > Install New Software... [x] Contact all update sites during install to find required software Add... > Archive... > Browse for the PDT Update zip Select the PDT or PDT SDK Feature Install...

You can also install PDT from the Galileo Update site:

Help > Install New Software... Select the Galileo Update site Select the PDT or PDT SDK Feature Install...

Install. Restart Eclipse. Enjoy.

Eclipse 3.4 / Ganymede / PDT 2.0

From All-In-One Package

Install a JDK or JRE -- the minimum required version is 5.0.

Go to the PDT download page

Download the latest All-In-One package that is compatible with your OS.

This archive file includes the Eclipse environment, PDT and all the required dependencies you need to start developing using PDT.

Unpack the archive file you've downloaded into the directory in which you want to install PDT.

Run the Eclipse executable file. Start having fun in PHP world.

From Update Site

Install a JDK or JRE -- the minimum required version is 5.0.

Get Eclipse:

Download the latest Ganymede JEE Bundle, then unpack it and start it up.

Start the Install Manager. You will require three update sites to perform an install of PDT 2.0.

Help > Software Updates... > Available Software > Manage Sites... Add... > add the DLTK 1.0 interim site: download.eclipse.org/technology/dltk/updates-dev/1.0M4-PDT-2.0/ Add... > add the PDT 2.0 interim site: download.eclipse.org/tools/pdt/updates/2.0/ Enable the Ganymede Update site (if not already enabled): download.eclipse.org/releases/ganymede/ Expand the DLTK site and select the Dynamic Languages Toolkit - Core Frameworks or Dynamic Languages Toolkit - Core Frameworks SDK Feature Select the PDT or PDT SDK Feature Install...

Install. Restart Eclipse. Enjoy.

From Zips

Install a JDK or JRE -- the minimum required version is 5.0.

Download the latest PDT 2.0 build + all its listed dependencies, including Eclipse.

Unpack Eclipse, then unpack everything else into your eclipse/dropins/ folder.

Run the Eclipse executable file.

Helpful Links

Eclipse 3.4 / Ganymede / PDT 1.0.5+

NOTE: PDT 1.0.5+ requires Eclipse 3.4. For PDT with Eclipse 3.3, use PDT 1.0.3.

Install a JDK or JRE -- minimum required level is 5.0.

Get Eclipse:

Download the latest Ganymede JEE Bundle, then unpack it and start it up.

Start the Install Manager. You will require two update sites to perform an install of PDT 1.0.5+.

Help > Software Updates... > Available Software > Manage Sites... Add... > add the PDT 1.0.5+ interim site: download.eclipse.org/tools/pdt/updates/interim/ Enable the Ganymede Update site (if not already enabled): download.eclipse.org/releases/ganymede/ Select the PDT or PDT SDK Feature Install...

Install. Restart. Enjoy.

Eclipse 3.3 / Europa / PDT 1.0.3

Install a JDK or JRE -- minimum required level is 5.0.

Get Eclipse:

If one exists for your platform (operating system, windowing system, architecture), the simplest way to install PDT is via an All-In-One bundle.

If installing on Linux, you can look for a package from your distro maintainter/repositories, but this is not supported by eclipse.org. If you encounter problems with such a bundle, please contact your distro maintainer.

look for a package from your distro maintainter/repositories, but If you encounter problems with such a bundle, please contact your distro maintainer. Otherwise, download an Eclipse SDK or Runtime Binary or the Europa JEE Bundle, then unpack it.

Start Update Manager.

Help > Software Updates > Find and Install... > (*) Search for new features > Next > [x] Europa Discovery Site > New Remote Site > add the new site: http://download.eclipse.org/tools/pdt/updates/ > Finish

Expand the Europa Discovery site to resolve dependencies. Collapsed sites will not be searched.

Select the PDT feature(s) you want to install.

Click the Select Required button to resolve missing dependencies.

Eclipse 3.2 / Callisto / PDT 0.7

Install a JDK or JRE -- minimum required level is 1.4.2.

Get Eclipse:

If installing on Linux, you can look for a package from your distro maintainter/repositories, but this is not supported by eclipse.org. If you encounter problems with such a bundle, please contact your distro maintainer.

look for a package from your distro maintainter/repositories, but If you encounter problems with such a bundle, please contact your distro maintainer. Otherwise, download an Eclipse SDK or Runtime Binary, then unpack it and start it up.

Start Update Manager.

Help > Software Updates > Find and Install... > (*) Search for new features > Next > New Remote Site > add the new site: http://download.eclipse.org/callisto/releases/ > New Remote Site > add the new site: http://download.eclipse.org/tools/pdt/updates/ > Finish

Select the projects &/or components you want to install.

Expand the Callisto Updates site to resolve dependencies. Collapsed sites will not be searched.

Select the PDT feature(s) you want to install.

Click the Select Required button to resolve missing dependencies.

If it does not work, you will have to manually select dependencies. If that doesn't work, start over, but add more update sites. Can't find a given dependency? Try here or here.


The PDT project does not contain server side implementation for PHP debugging and will welcome any open source or commercial implementation of the debug protocol.

PHP Executable Debugger

Install via update site: In the main menu, select Help | Install New Software..., add the site http://downloads.zend.com/pdt and follow the instructions.

Zend Executable Debugger - A free Eclipse plugin that adds PHP executable debug capabilities to the Eclipse environment.

PHP Web Server Debugger

Zend Web Server Debugger - Web server debugger binaries which should be installed on the web server.

XDebug Components - XDebug component for web server debugging.

Known Problems

If after installing PDT you do not see the PDT perspective, views/editors/file associations do not work, or your get "An error occurred" messages, try restarting Eclipse with the -clean flag.

You may find that your chosen mirror fails due to bug 203794. Until that bug is fixed, try another mirror, or try an FTP site instead of an HTTP site.

You may encounter problems on linux with non-existant cups servers in /etc/cups/client.conf (bug 242677). Try running with ./eclipse -Dorg.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.disablePrinting .

You may encounter this error message: Problem occurred: 'Selection Job titile' has encountered a problem. If so, you need to install DLTK 1.0.I200807181303 (or newer). Unpack the zip into your dropins folder (see From Zips above). See also bug 242947.

Another variation reported to work: PDT 2.0.0 N20080823 + DLTK Core 0.95.0.v20080716 + DLTK RDS 0.95.0.v20080623

If updating from a nightly build to a newer nightly, you will need to uninstall and then reinstall PDT. See bug 241341.

See Also

출처 - http://wiki.eclipse.org/PDT/Installation

from http://linuxism.ustd.ip.or.kr/1304 by ccl(A) rewrite - 2020-03-07 06:54:29


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용오름체험휴양마을영농조합법인 / 홍천 용오름캠핑장 팸투어 다녀왔어요.